Dearly Beloveds!
Behold M’ASS, the finest in contemporary irreligious fervor, homegrown in Las Vegas!
Join a slurry of your favorite deviants and dissidents for our maiden voyage, May 19, 2024, in Las Vegas.
If you thought regular church sucked, wait til you get ahold of THIS:
Dearly Beloveds!
Behold M’ASS, the finest in contemporary irreligious fervor, homegrown in Las Vegas!
Join a slurry of your favorite deviants and dissidents for our maiden voyage, May 19, 2024, in Las Vegas.
If you thought regular church sucked, wait til you get ahold of THIS:
The First Coming Is Damn-Near Upon Us!
The First Coming Is Damn-Near Upon Us!
• drift over any tile below to reveal more info •
Esteemed & Special Guest
HIGH STEP SOCIETY High Step Society is a dance party from another dimension; a high-flying, beat-dropping, big band rocket ship with an ear to the past, and both feet on the gas. This dynamic band is bringing jazz back to the party, where it belongs. This 7-piece band’s mission is to bring people together, to create a celebratory space that transcends the troubles of this world. Capturing the spirit of the Jazz Age and launching it a century forward, this band breaks down the divisions between us and replaces them with the irresistible urge to dance together. High stepping is a state of mind, and a movement to be part of. Dress yourself up nice, act classy, and lift your best foot way up to the sky. Hop on the HSS Express and let’s ride this wave together towards better times. |
Hosted by resident Rev. Dr. Al D. Fraud
DISCORDIA GAME SHOW A spiritual gameshow in search of the goddess Eris and what you will do to her when you find her. Shed your sinful shyness at the door, for entrance absolves your lost innocence through the rebirth of participation. Jump in, drink up, and immerse yourself in active prayer of the absolute spectacle of divine absurdity! Spin the cosmic Wheel of Misfortune for a chance to test your mortal fate in an immersive experience challenging fellow worshippers to silly elementary games! Pass your orange! Race your banana! Blow up a balloon with your bum! Rejoice as rice rains upon you and beans sprout you to your human being, administered by the deacon of fun, that chaplain of shenanigans, the infallible rabble rouser, your spiritual gynecologist & royal psychedelic host, the Reverend Doctor Al D Fraud! |
Beatpreachin' to the Choir
THE KLOWN Hailing from Las Vegas, The Klown is the Flounder and Ding[aling]master of the Circus Metropolus, Jollichimp, Kops, and Gooferman kults, a veteran Specialish Ops Agent for San Francisco-based avant circus troupe Vau de Vire Society, a questionably talented musician and DJ, a semi-accomplished event producer/promoter (Trapeze Worldwide, Bohemian Carnival, Roccopura, HONK, a gazillion specialty shows), Kreator and Ko-Flounder of Burning Man’s almighty Red Nose District, and third-place, first-degree, white-belt karate superstar via a 6-week YMCA program many years ago. The Klown’s compromised too many festival and event stages to count or face at this point — from EDC to Bumbershoot to the Super Bowl and whatever else forms the mix of it all — as well as trounced live music and DJ-centric clubs up, down, and all around the nation. With an accelerator plagued by sticking issues and a keen sense of not much, The Klown is one renaissance ape you should consider keeping a third eye and/or ear on and/or off, for better, for worse, or somewhere inbetween. |
Donate as the spirit leads — Thank You!
Recommended donation is $20 per person … but we’re grateful for any and all support.
Payment recipient will appear as ‘The National Revue’ — the creative services firm that supports Circus Metropolus brand and event marketing.
Preach! We’ll get back to you within 24 hours, swear t’gawd.
If you’re putting in for an invitation, we send those out nightly.
Preach! We’ll get back to you within 24 hours, swear t’gawd.
If you’re putting in for an invitation, we send those out nightly.